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                Energy saving in the motor industry meets the golden age


                 Electric power consumption accounts for a large proportion of all kinds of motors in China, so the prospect of motor energy saving is huge. And the next ten years will be the golden age of technological energy conservation. Technology covers a wide range of energy, and is divided into three key areas: industrial, building and electromechanical. The energy saving of the motor is the key part of the industrial electricity saving.

                  Energy saving in the golden period

                  In China, the scope of technical energy conservation covers a wide range, including waste heat utilization, energy saving lighting, energy saving transportation and electricity, steel, colored, petroleum and petrochemical, chemical, building materials and other key traditional industries. It has been divided into three key areas: industry, construction and electrical and mechanical fields. The energy saving of the motor is the key part of the industrial electricity saving.

                  China's electrical consumption accounts for 60%~70% of China's total industrial electricity consumption, so the prospect of motor energy saving is huge. However, the competition in the field of motor energy conservation has been the most intense and cruel in many energy saving industries. According to the current research, there are many main sub industries and listed companies, including power plant air cooling technology, power plant two equipment, carbon capture and storage, frequency converter, energy saving transformer, high efficiency motor, electronic power and components and other sub industries.



                Address:No.11 Chunhui Road,Suzhou Industrial Park, Jingsu.

                Copyright ? 2018 Suzhou suti Drive Technology Co., Ltd. all rights reserved. poweredby:蓝海科技 网站制作

                Address:No.11 Chunhui Road,Suzhou Industrial Park, Jingsu.

                Copyright ? 2018 Suzhou suti Drive Technology Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.

